Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

The diseases bellow are kinds of lung disease..

1. Lung Tuberculosis

   Cause of illness:

     Infectious disease caused by bacilli Mikobakterium tuberculosis

    The initial symptoms to note:

       -  Coughing for more than 2 weeks, accompanied by phlegm
       -  Sometimes coughing up blood
       -  Chest pain
       -  Shortness of breath
       -  Heat loss
       -  Night sweats
       -  Fatigue, body care
       -  Decreased appetite

Complications of disease:

       -  Coughing blood
       -  Pleural effusion
       -  Pneunotorak
       -  Inflammation of the lining of the brain and spread TB germs to others

     How to prevention:

       -  If the cough immediately seek treatment immediately
       -  Nutritious food
       -  People with TB disease when coughing mouth closed and dispose of sputum should be a  
          special  place and is closed
       - People with TB disease must take medication regularly in a long time and continuously

2. Bronchial asthma (asthma)

        Cause of illness:
         Increased sensitivity in breath to various stimuli. These stimuli can be:

        - Stimuli from within: stress, emotions
        - Stimuli from the outside can be: house dust, mites, animal dander, air pollution, weather changes, respiratory infections, smoke (tobacco, insect repellent, chemicals), and so forth.

         The initial symptoms to note:

         Attacks cough and shortness of breath recurrent, sometimes accompanied by the sound when breathing.

         Complications of disease:

           -  Status Asmatikus
           -  Pneunotorak
           -  Blockage of the airways by viscous sputum
           -  death due to respiratory failure

         How to prevention:

         Avoiding allergens or trigger attacks

3. Acute respiratory infections

         Cause of illness:

         Acute inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract infections caused by microorganisms, bacteria, viruses or Ricketsia, without / with parenchim lung inflammation.

         The initial symptoms which must be known:

         Colds, sore tengorok, cough-cough with phlegm yellow / white thick, chest pain (sometimes in the eye), heat loss, muscle aches, fatigue, decreased appetite, occasional nausea, vomiting.

         Treatment prior to the doctor:

         When the body heat, compress and give a febrifuge. Next, patients could be examined at the health center, hospital, or to the doctor.

         Complications of disease:

         -   Parencim lung inflammation
         -    Empiena (lining of the lung cavity containing pus)
         -    Pleural effusion (fluid-filled lung cavity lining)
         -   Absles lung
         -    Inflammation of the pericardium
         -    Meningitis
         -    Arthritis
         -    Nefirtis (inflammation of the kidneys)

How to prevention:

         Strengthen the body with nutritious food, adequate rest, avoid contact with people with ARI
         Patients who are sick should seek treatment and avoid contact with healthy people

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