Jumat, 11 Maret 2011


Lung abscess is a cavity in the lung tissue that containing purulent material of necrotic inflammatory cells due process the infected lung parenchyma.
When the cavity diameter <2 cm and numerous (multiple small abscesses) is called "necrotising pneumonia. " Large or small abscess abscess have different clinical manifestations but has the same predisposition and the same principle of differential diagnosis. Abscesses caused by aspiration of infected objects, decreasing the body's defense mechanisms or virulence of germs is high. In general cases of lung abscess is associated with
dental caries, uncontrolled epilepsy, previous lung damage and alcohol abuse.

Basic Abnormalities: necrosis of lung tissue that contains pus as bronchial obstruction.
A. Complaint Main

     There is a history of aspiration
     Fever up to 3 weeks in shivering accompanied
     Productive cough, foul smelling, purulent, yellow-green or massive haemoptysis
     Chest pain
     Feeling weak (malaise)
     Body weight dropped

Signs Important

     Poor oral hygiene
     Looks cyanosis
     Clubbing fingers / toes (finger drum, finger-shaped drum beater)
     Dimmed in the abscess area
     Other signs such as pneumonia

C. Laboratory examination -
D. Special Inspection

     Diagnosis with chest images, look "air-fluid level. "
  CT Scan
     Needle aspiration transtorakal

2.Pneumotoraks or piopneumotoraks
3.Metastasis abscess
4.Permanent lung deprave

A. General Therapy

     "Postural drainage" (position such that the location of the abscess over the airways so that pus can drain out).
     Drainage can also be done with bronchoscopy to suck a thick bronchial secretions. Besides, patting the taxable part abscess.

Highly nutritious
First drug:

     Appropriate antibiotics
     Ampicillin 1-2 million unit/4-6 hours
     Klindamisisn 600 mg IV / 8 h, then continued with oral.

Alternative medicine:

     Can also be provided bronkolidator.


     For a large abscess
     If the abscess is located in the distal from bronchial carcinoma or corpus alienum performed lobectomy.

B. Therapy Complications  

     With appropriate antimicrobial good prognosis.

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